Guinness Game of World Records

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Guinness Game of World Records


Move around the board and play small games of skill like stacking blocks, rolling dice, or bouncing balls into cups. Get points for how well you do and for setting new records.

For each game you select a set of five activities from a group of ten so there is a bit of variation.

There is virtually no extra information online about this game. There is a page on board game geek that has some pictures and the rules, but no "interesting information".


A simple fun little dexterity game. I played this a bunch when I was younger and drag it out every decade or two when something lite is what the group is looking for. In retrospect what I really like about the game is the "Home Records" section where you list out the "All Time" house records for each event. Mark, Tim, and Dad all have listings, so I guess Mom didn't care for this game as much. It also has listing for Michael which means it was played at the old house in Oxen Hill MD and Patrick so it was playing in the first years of living at the new house in Pinefield. I even took it to my parents' house in SC and played with the niece nephew as shown by the listings for Eric and Marissa.

Do you like dexterity games? I don't. It reminded me of elementary school where the other kids could easily do dexterous task based games, and I... would fail. Being a competitive person, I really detested losing, and I always lost. If your childhood was mostly reading and playing musical instruments instead of throwing/catching items, and you never resolved to fix that, you might have the same thoughts as I do. While it's a little irritating to lose to 48 year old Tim, it really sucks reading the "World Titles" and know you also would have lost to 6 year old Tim as well.


  • The game is supposed to have a "felt launch pad" which is a part that is gone from my version. I've never noticed that it was missing. In reading the rules very carefully it seems to only be used in one of the activities.
